Coulibaly Tidiani - Coulibaly Tidiani (Used LP)
Nya Soleil - Il Y A Un Soleil Quelque Part... (Used LP)
Les Volcans (Orchestre National De La Gendarmerie) - Aye Akamala / Il Faut Travailler (Used 7")
Abra K Dabra - The Ju Ju Is The Shing / Groovy Kinda Samba (Used 7")
Kossas - Makossa Hits (Used LP)
Akale Wube - Akale Wube (Used LP)
Gabelo [Christian Gaba] - Wokunyeya / Agouto (Used 7")
Jimmy Hyacinthe - Jimmy Hyacinthe (1979) (Used LP)
Blo - Bulky Backside - Blo Is Back (Used LP)
V.A. (Liverpool, Afrikanders etc...) - Africa [L'ete Indien] (Used LP)
Abidjan City Breakers - A.C.B. Rap / Break Dance Disco (Used 12")
Nayanka Bell - Amio (Used 12")
Cosmic Analog Ensemble [Charif Megarbane] - Expo Botanica (New LP)
Carol Bridi - One Family (Used LP)
Joe Sembene - Le P'tit Quinquin / Weur Di Dane (Used 7")
Michel Legrand (ミシェル・ルグラン) - Les Feux De La Chandeleur / Black Fire Dream (雪どけ) (Used 7")
Rahsaan Roland Kirk - Black Root / Ain't No Sunshine (Used 7")
Marthe Zambo - Ebele Minga / Bivindi Bi Nkol' Olong (Used 7")
Afrikanders - Africa / Tamba (Used 7")
V.A. (Janko Nilovic, Guy Boyer etc) (ヤンコ・ニロヴィッチ) - Pepmusic (Used LP)
Fela Anikulapo Kuti & Roy Ayers - 2000 Black's [Music Of Many Colours] (Used LP)
Jo Moutet (ジョー・ムッテ) - ...Comme Un Pot De Fraises! (Used LP)
Abeti [Abeti Masikini] - Motema Pasi / Bilanda-Landa (Used 7")
Harry Mosco - Sugar Cane Baby (Used LP)
Jake Sollo [Nkem Okonkwo] - Show Me How (Used LP)
Theadora Ifudu - This Time Around (Twice As Much) (Used LP)
Super Diamono De Dakar - Soweto / Mansani Cisse (Used 7")
Cycely [Cicely Omonhinmin] - Land Of Treasure (Used LP)
Ouiness [Abdennebi Ouiness] - Maa Lab Nat / Zina (Used 7")
Cycely [Cicely Omonhinmin] - Land Of Treasure (Used LP)
Esbee Family - Chics And Chicken (Used LP)
O.U. Willson - Let's Dance (Used LP)
Oby Onyioha - Break It (Used LP)
Theadora Ifudu - This Time Around (Twice As Much) (Used LP)
Giuliano Sorgini (ジュリアーノ・ソルジーニ) - Zoo Folle (New LP)
CAB (キャブ) - Caraibes - Afrique - Bresil (カリブ、アフリカ、ブラジル) (New CD)
Ebo Taylor (エボ・テイラー) - Twer nyame (ツゥェ・ニャメ) (New CD)
Freedom Family (フリーダム・ファミリー) - Ayentsoo (アィエンツォ) (New CD)
Pacific Express (パシフィック・エクスプレス) - On time! (オン・タイム!) (New CD)
Sound of Chief Checker (チーフ・チェッカー) - Sounded Original (サウンディッド・オリジナル) (New CD)
Jimmy Hyacinthe - Jimmy Hyacinthe (1979) (Used LP)
El Rego Et Ses Commados - Ke Amon / Hessa (Used 7")
Michel Bagoe - Anti Femme Chaud (Used LP)
Letta Mbulu (レッタ・ンブール) - Sweet Juju (スイート・ジュジュ) (Used LP)
Ahmed Fakroun - Soleil Soleil / Soleil Soleil "Master Mix (Used 7")
Freres Megri, Les - Sebar / Ouroud Ou Chouk (Used 7")