Yannick Chevalier - Ecoute Le Son Du Soleil (Used 12")
Apache Band, The [The Incredible Bongo Band] (インクレディブル・ボンゴ・バンド) - Bongo Rock / Apache (Used 12")
Guy Cuevas - Obsession (Nassau Mix) / Obsession (London Mix) [Original] (Used 12")
Family Tree / Crown Heights Affair - Family Tree / You Gave Me Love (Used 12")
Cyrill [Cyrille Bordy] - Pa Lage (Used 12")
Herbie Hancock (ハービー・ハンコック) - You Bet Your Love / Knee Deep (Used 12")
George And Glen Miller - Touch Your Life (Used 12")
V.O. - C'est Comme Ca L'ete (Used 12")
T-Connection - Take It To The Limit / Love Odyssey (Used 12")
RAH Band (ラー・バンド) - The Crunch '85 (Used 12")
Fist-O-Funk Orchestra [Classy Dance Orchestra] - New York Strut / The Feeling (Used 12")
Yan Tregger Team - Bloodnight / Shout In The Dark (Used 12")
Gregg Diamond & Bionic Boogie - Hot Butterfly [ep] (Used 12")
[予約受付終了-12月下旬発売予定 - 注意事項あり] Sean Wolcott (ショーン・ウォルコット) - Voce d'Ombra (New LP)
Montana Orchestra Featuring Goody Goody [Vincent Montana, Jr..] - It Looks Like Love (Used 12")
Candy Bowman - I Wanna Feel Your Love / Since I Found You (Love Is Better Than Ever) (Used 12")
Gents, The - For You My Baby Love (Used 12")
Deborah Cooper - Your Love Is All I Need (Used 12")
Jay C. Birdlander - Jordu / The Champ (Used 12")
V.A. [Sandro Brugnolini, Carlo Pes, Alessandro Alessandroni] - Dimensione Umana [SP 121] (Used LP)
Mario Molino - Mario Molino 1 [CmL 050] (Used LP)
Gerhard Narholz Orchestra, The - 1 Studio One [S.O.1] (Used LP)
V.A. [Alan Parker, Keith Mansfield etc] - Music For Dancefloors: The KPM Music Library (Used LP)
Janko Nilovic (ヤンコ・ニロヴィッチ) - Super America [MP 103] (New LP)
Janko Nilovic (ヤンコ・ニロヴィッチ) - Soul Impressions [MP 43] (ソウル・インプレッションズ) (New LP)
Janko Nilovic (ヤンコ・ニロヴィッチ) - Pop' Impressions [MP 11] (ポップ・インプレッションズ) (New LP)
Mad Unity [Janko Nilovic] (ヤンコ・ニロヴィッチ) - Funky Tramway [Funky Music] (New LP)
Viostel [Stelvio Cipriani] - Situazioni e Sensazioni (Used LP)
Gianni Mazza [Giovanni Mazza] - La Citta No 2 [AS 52] (Used LP)
Giampaolo Bellezza - Ballabili Vari [UST 181] (Used LP)
Meccarti [Salvatore Fabrizio] - Ballabili Vari [UST 183] (Used LP)
V.A. [Max Middleton / Denis King etc] - Pop/Rock Sounds / Multi-Keyboard Sounds [ESL/118] (Used LP)
Rovi [The Soundwork-Shoppers] - Discomusic (Used LP)
Charles Orieux Et Son Orchestre - Illustration Songs [CHA 009] (Used LP)
Jacky Giordano et Yan Tregger - Schifters - 45s Collection (Used 7")
Orchestra Walter Rizzati - Dodici Rose Rosse [PM 003] (Used LP)
Teddy Lasry / Claude Perraudin - Racing [Patchwork 24] (Used LP)
V.A. [Yan Tregger etc] - Towards (Used LP)
Louis Fontaine (ルイ・フォンテーヌ) - L'Obsession (ルイ・フォンテーヌの強迫観念) (New LP)
Ralph Marco Band [Werner Drexler] (ラルフ・マルコ・バンド) - High Snobiety / Chicago Song (New 7")
Bernard Sananes - La Gymnastique Massante (Used LP)
Wout Steenhuis - Bird In The Park (Used LP)